Scientific Papers

MycoKey aims to unlock new knowledge and to valorize existing knowledge and data by rapid dissemination to research partners and stakeholders in the chain.
In the MycoKey programme all scientific peer reviewed publications are available through open access. Research data will be deposited in public data repositories for (re)-analysis exploitation and dissemination free of charge.
In this page you can find publications describing the scientific results arising from project’s activities.

FgPex3, a Peroxisome Biogenesis Factor, Is Involved in Regulating Vegetative Growth, Conidiation, Sexual Development, and Virulence in Fusarium graminearum

Peroxisomes are involved in a wide range of important cellular functions. Here, the role of the peroxisomal membrane protein PEX3 in the plant-pathogen and mycotoxin producer Fusarium graminearum was studied using knock-out and complemented strains. To fluorescently label peroxisomes’ punctate structures, GFP and RFP fusions with the PTS1 and PTS2 localization signal were transformed into the wild type PH- 1 and 1FgPex3 knock-out strains. The GFP and RFP transformants in the 1FgPex3 background showed a diffuse fluorescence pattern across the cytoplasm suggesting the absence of mature peroxisomes.

Authors: Xiangjiu Kong, Hao Zhang, Xiaoliang Wang, Theo van der Lee, Cees Waalwijk, Anne van Diepeningen, Balazs Brankovics, Jin Xu, Jingsheng Xu, Wanquan Chen, Jie Feng
Keywords: FgPex3, Peroxisome Biogenesis Factor, Fusarium graminearum
Published: 20/9/2019

This work has received funding form the  the EU’s H2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 678781- MycoKey. 
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