Project presentations

Communication and dissemination play a central role in the delivery of the MycoKey smart solutions for food safety and acts as a vehicle for introducing innovation and supporting Europe’s long-term policies for sustainable growth and competitiveness in food sector. MycoKey dissemination actions will demonstrate also to non -specialised audiences the project’s added value in food safety and job creation as well as seek views from the public on the future of the European Union intrinsically support Horizon 2020’s core added values.
MycoKey Consortium members are very active in promoting projects’activities and sharing results with international scientific community, to spread knowledge around the world and create opportunities for cooperation.
In this page you can find the relevant presentations at events, workshops, participation at conferences, including interviews

Unravelling the genetic basis of Fusarium seedling rot resistance in the MAGIC maize population: novel targets for breeding

Fungal infection by Fusarium verticillioides is cause of prevalent maize disease leading to substantial reductions in yield and grain quality worldwide. Maize resistance to the fungus may occur at different developmental stages, from seedling to maturity. The breeding of resistant maize genotypes may take advantage of the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for disease resistance already commenced at seedling level.

Authors: Popi Septiani, Alessandra Lanubile, Lorenzo Stagnati, Matteo Busconi, Hilde Nelissen, Mario Enrico Pè, Matteo Dell’Acqua, Adriano Marocco
Keywords: Fusarium, maize, breeding, QTL
Published: 05/04/2019

This work has received funding form the  the EU’s H2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 678781- MycoKey. CC BY 4.0 license